December 2020 Update

Wanderer’s Book 7First draft completed.
Self-editing to be started after plotting of book 8 is completed
Wanderer Book 8High-level plotting completed.
Now working on the detailed plotting.
Tagrale Book 2Dictation of book completed.
57,000 words transcribed to first draft (probably about 75%)
Starflare Displaced –
Season 2
First five episodes in various states from dictated to first-draft complete. On hold currently but I aim to add more episodes through the first half of 2021.On Hold
SciFi Shorts Short Stories– A Little Slice of Heaven (Published on SciFi Shorts)
— Pendulum (ready to publish)
— Bad Genie – Queen of All She Surveys (ready to publish)

These updates cover where things are rather than giving predictions of when books will be published (unless they are almost ready).

That’s partly because my estimates have always proven to be wrong (much too optimistic or much too pessimistic) and partly because I’ve found it sets up deadline-pressure which actually slows me down a lot and leads to delays.

6 thoughts on “December 2020 Update

  1. I like the summation. Very useful. as long as it is maintained, say, monthly? by you, it should keep us from perpetually nagging you . Thanks, Simon.

  2. I am waiting for your continuance of the Wanderer series. I still believe these books will make a good SCIFI movie(s).

  3. Finished reading Wanderer Salvation not too long ago. I don’t usually read that much but the story got me hooked. Keep up the good work!

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